Dendarah Court No.10

Ladies' Oriental Shrine of North America

Toledo, Ohio




Kris's Hearts of Gold
Lady Kristine Sheridan
Grand High Priestess



Together We Can Make It Work!!

Dendarah Court's 105th Ceremonial

Saturday, January 26, 2019
Holiday Inn French Quarter
Perrysburg, OH
Yellow Tassel Dinner
Friday, January 25, 2019
Ceremonial Information and Registration Forms will be Available in November

Yellow Tassel Dinner choices:

Chicken or , Betty Salad, Vegetables, dessert

$25.00 per person

Ceremonial Lunch Break is a Cold Deli Buffet for $20.00

Banquet choices:

Beef, Chicken or White Fish

$30.00 per person

Reservations to Ms. Joyce Bergman
                       23716 West Manor Drive

                       Genoa, Ohio 43430



Ceremonial 2012

Sassy Seahorses and So Much More

By the Sea and In the Sea - Oh What Fun We Had